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OPEN EVENINGWe're looking forward to welcoming prospective families to view our school on Thursday 26th September 2024.This event will run from 5:00pm - 8:00pm, with Headteacher speeches taking place at 6:00pm and 7:00pm. pic.twitter.com/kjO2IDJMFe

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"I am very pleased with myself with having a lot to struggle. I have come out the other side now with good results but it's been a challenge.”Congratulations to Jack, who will now study science and maths at sixth form.https://t.co/IdOP9g7lEO#GCSEResults2024 pic.twitter.com/fgvuQQ0NUG

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“Not only have students performed well academically, but they have developed into outstanding young adults." - Dustin Schuyler, Headteacher.Well done to all students collecting their #GCSEResultshttps://t.co/03YOdS96Jb pic.twitter.com/NePMhzeF50

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👀 Looking for things to do over the summer? 🌞 There is lots happening in the local area. We will continue to share updates on exciting events over the Summer. pic.twitter.com/avrQ4IU67C

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🚴‍♀️ Well done to everyone who participated in the annual Tour De Flitch. 👏 Donations have reached £1200 and any last minute donations can be made using the go fund me link: https://t.co/RtZ3rmO846 pic.twitter.com/YkVLz6pXBa

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🥇Celebrating success at District Athletics 🥈Congratulations to all students who won medals at the District Athletics today.🥉Everyone involved from Year 7-10 have done exceptionally! pic.twitter.com/ldmNF7Gz7D

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🚴‍♂️🚴‍♀️FHS Tour De Flitch This year staff and pupils will complete the Tour De Flitch to raise money for the FHS PTA to support with buying resources to support students in school!https://t.co/RtZ3rmO846

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☘️ Good Luck to John from staff and students at Forest Hall School ☘️https://t.co/ZurNha6nQo

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Finishing Ardeche on a high...#Ardeche2024 pic.twitter.com/NJeO30HKzA

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The Ardeche via canoe = half term memories to last a lifetime!#Ardeche2024 pic.twitter.com/Y67bdNfiDZ

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Memories to last a lifetime... pic.twitter.com/XnW2Wvry3J

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Ardeche 2024Day 1- Canyoning ✔️Day 2- Canoeing down the Ardeche before a night of camping ✔️Having the best time? ✔️ pic.twitter.com/kGTiGJ8c6t

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🚣...and we are off! pic.twitter.com/WIU7MwJXEx

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📚Year 8 enjoy a day out at London Docklands Museum- bringing History to life!A day out at London Docklands allowed students to explore galleries to enhance their History Curriculum. pic.twitter.com/RXjLFfAJlt

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🏆James celebrates success at Tang Soo Do International Championship in Belfast in this 3rd competition for black belt pic.twitter.com/938iw0QxZk

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🍦 Ice cream to fuel the additional exam preparation before written exams for year 11. Thank you to @ pic.twitter.com/QITVshcCiZ

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✈️Each year it gets better and better...https://t.co/kxHVNcW3Oc

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. has held a special event to celebrate the success of a mentoring scheme for students from in Stansted Mountfitchet. https://t.co/3qz1KBJ9e3

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📣 PTA Penny Wars🏆 Will your form be crowned the ultimate winners? 👀 Watch out for the sabotage days? How much sabotage can be caused? pic.twitter.com/EGwMLbSOHL

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SEND Enhanced Provision

Forest Hall School supports and provides provision for students with special educational needs and/or disabilities (often referred to as SEND). Every school has an appointed co-ordinator of SEND (known as the SENCO) who ensures that students are supported within the school and who liaises with parents and external agencies. The SENCO is Mr Ray Coe. 

Forest Hall School has one of only two provisions for students with severe and persistent literacy difficulties, in Essex and serves students from across a wide area. This provision is not available to all pupils at Forest Hall School. Each year there are up to five students who are offered a place in the provision, who must have an Education Health & Care Plan (EHCP) which states Severe and Persistent Literacy Difficulties as the priority reason for the Education Health & Care Plan. They have a place at the school and then receive focused support in addition to their normal curriculum.

This is done through specific withdrawal lessons taught by specialist staff and with additional support in some lessons from Teaching Assistants/Academic Mentors. Students are taught and given strategies to enable them to access the curriculum, work to overcome their difficulties and match their potential with real success. Students' Admission to the provision is through the Psychology and Assessment Service within the child’s Local Education Authority, not through the school, although successful students become fully involved members of the school in the same way as every other student.  

Typically, provision will include:

  • -up to 10 hours of small group or one-to-one teaching time with a named and designated specialist teacher 
  • -a tailored programme of support built around the outcomes from the student’s EHCP 
  • -termly Individual Provision Plans (IPPs) which detail their support and progress 
  • -access to a variety of technologies and activities to meet their specific needs 
  • -annual meetings with the “Preparing for Adulthood Adviser” from Year 9 to Year 11 to discuss possible routes through Further Education and Training post-16 
  • -support with applications to College or Apprenticeships and Employment 
  • -visits from past students to be inspired and recognise that SEND is not a barrier to success 
  • -possible placement in the Nurture Group for lessons in Years 7-9 if this is deemed appropriate. 

-a range of strategies are used by staff working in the provision to support students and teachers across the school are supported to use these in lessons.

Some of these may include: 

  1. Link new learning to what pupil already knows, for example, start a lesson with a class mind-map of what they already know about a subject; Specific activities are differentiated appropriately, e.g. words for spelling practice, times tables practice, methods of recording; Opportunities for practical and interactive, as well as paper and pencil tasks; 
  • Thinking time or opportunities to work with talk partners before answering a question, or say “I’m going to come back to you in a minute for your idea”; A range of lesson activities to take account of different learning strengths, and practical activities offered where possible, e.g. learning from pictures, diagrams, mind-maps, using practical equipment, handling objects, moving and doing rather than sitting; Mastery Learning/learning to automaticity through repetition and practice in different ways. Interleaved or cumulative learning to improve retention (a small amount of material is learnt to fluency, then a small amount of new material to learn is added and practised alongside the previous material – new material is always combined with the old); Alternatives to writing as a method of recording - typing, speech-to-text, video/audio recording. Handouts with learning points rather than asking pupils to copy text from the board.Access to assistive technology for those who find it difficult to read large amounts of text or to write quickly enough.

Additionally, staff who are new to the school and may be unfamiliar with the needs presented by students with severe and persistent literacy difficulties are supported by the experienced teachers in the provision. We operate an open-door policy where staff can visit at any time to “see what we do” and ask more detailed questions they may have about students who are part of the provision. We also support the Forest Hall School SEND department and the school SENCo with advice about Literacy Difficulties. 

The leader for the provision is Ms Judith Harrington.


Please note that the provision is undergoing a change of name and there may still be references to the DSU on our website. 

Provision Vision DSU-Vision-1.pdf
Provision Learning Journey DSU-Learning-Journey.pdf
Teaching of Vocabulary Vocabulary-Teaching-in-the-DSU-and-Nurture.pdf


Parent Comments about the provision:

“Fantastic success reached in early attainment in 3 GCSEs aged 14”.

“Very pleased with progress – gained confidence in all areas”.

“Works more independently”.

Student Comments about the provision:

“Improved on my Maths and English skills thanks to the DSU”.

“I have confidence now and think that comes from being in the DSU."

“My reading and writing is much better and I am more confident”.


Should you wish to contact any of the SEN Team, please contact the main reception either by phone or email. 

Please visit http://www.essexlocaloffer.org.uk to view the Essex Local Offer information. 


Amazing Things Happen - Autism Awareness
Introduction to autism that aims to raise awareness among young non-autistic audiences, to stimulate understanding and acceptance in future generations. It is intended to be viewed, discussed and shared widely by anyone but especially teachers and parents/carers. 



ADHD: The questions parents want to ask - BBC Stories
Inattentiveness, hyperactivity and impulsiveness - these are just some of the symptoms of ADHD or Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. By some estimates, it is one of the most common behavourial disorders in the UK. 



The Girl With The Curly Hair
The Curly Hair Project, a social enterprise that supports people on the autism spectrum. 



School website by Cleverbox